Monday, March 31, 2008

I persist in attempting to organize the area of my house known as the yarn annex.

I have finished with the easy parts, and am now left to sort through huge tangles of yarn from myriad unfinished and completely forgotten projects. Some of it is so bad, I am nearly (but not quite) tempted to clean house.

The other day I dragged six plastic containers of yarn into my son's room, emptied it onto the floor and tired to conceive of a system where I would be organizing like with like (the main lesson I have taken away from Hellen Buttigieg's show, "neat.")

One container houses all that I could find of my Tivoli (now defunct) acrylic yarn. Another is filled with Cascade 220, and Lamb's Pride yarn that is 15% mohair and 85% wool (both felt very well, but I find the Lamb's Pride very itchy). A third container is dedicated to the brand Classic Elite as I made a seemingly endless number of "good buys" of their product lines.

Another container is dedicated to various cottons, a fifth to "onesies" (those irresistible skeins that go with nothing else I own but were "too good" to pass up), and the last one houses my precious Manos del Uruguay. I say precious because floating around in my gray matter somewhere is the perfect project made of this yarn. I have been acquiring the yarn for years, and one day, I am certain the project will reveal itself to me.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

It's been a long time since I last managed to post a new entry. A lot has happened since then. For starters, all three of my children are a year older, as am I.

The new year brought the idea that I should have a new year's resolution, and mine is to finish my unfinished crochet projects. I have been making good progress, but anticipate needing another 10,000 days or so added to this year in order to get everything done.

I started using Clover crochet hooks, and I love them. I had intially resisted using them because I wanted something more colorful. I bought the Clover G-hook because it was the millimeter measurement I needed in order to make a skirt featured in Doris Chan's "Amazing Lace" book. the skirt came out great, and I was totally taken with the hook and proceeded to buy myself a nearly complete set. By the time I had pretty much every size I use they came out with the brightly colored hooks.

As part of my new year's resolution, I am going to try to tidy up all the loose ends of my life, not just the yarn ones.
